It's been a crazy year around here as far as the weather goes. I joke all the time about how much it rains here, but most of the time it's only slightly joking. It gets old. This year has been rough. I think South Sound Speedway has had to rain out more races than they have run.
So we're staring at a weekend forecast full of more rain. Here in Washington, we joke that summer doesn't start until July 5th, and it rains until then. It's a running joke because for the most part there's a lot of truth to it. I know for me, personally, I'm just really tired of all the rain. The worst part is how it can be sunny and almost 70 on Tuesday and Wednesday and then start raining on Thursday and rain all through the weekend.
So here we are, another race day looming a couple days from now and the forecast isn't looking that good. On the one side, it's hard to predict with any accuracy much further out that a day, that's no joke. It's also difficult to get a feel for what will happen, because the race track is so far removed from the actual locations where they predict the weather around here. All of the big news outlets like to forecast for Seattle. You might even get a forecast for the greater Olympia area. But the track is located a decent distance from Olympia and with all of our micro-climates in this region, it's just hard to know for sure. But as we have gotten closer to the weekend, the forecast hasn't improved much. Currently the outlook shows passing showers throughout the day with some dry periods between. That typically means that right about the time you get the track dry, along comes another shower just long enough to cause the drying process to start again. Or, at best, you get one race in and along comes another shower.
This has every ingredient to produce a long, chilly, damp day at the track not really doing anything. But alternatively, due to the track's location, there's also a small chance there will be no rain at all. Who knows. It'll be one of those "go sit and see what happens" things. Hopefully we get this one in. See you at the track!